Post has published by Unreal Assetstore

Unreal/Assetstore – the dedicated Unreal Engine Marketplace

Unreal Engine is a great 3D creation and authoring tool, so it deserves a dedicated Marketplace where creators and developers can find useful assets and tools for their projects.

The Unreal Engine Marketplace of Epic Games will go offline early 2024 and a more generic Marketplace called “Fab” will replace it, where assets and tools for any media type will be sold. It will be therefore harder for Unreal Engine users to find what they need.

Unreal/Assetstore by Ludic Drive is not only filling the gap of the vanishing Epic Games UE Marketplace, it also addresses a lot of the wishes both customers and publishers have for a long time.

Listing is free – you keep 90% of a sale

6 great things about Unreal/Assetstore

First, a creator or developer should have the possibility to directly talk to the users of it’s product. As we are developers of Unreal Engine plugins ourselves, we find that especially important. So we integrated a messaging system in Unreal/Assetstore.

Second, it should be possible to have the ability to schedule a sale yourself without emailing back and forth a lot. We also made that possible.

Third, there should be different licenses for different types of customers. A individual or student should have the possibility to buy a product at a cheaper rate then the regular price of an asset or tool would be for an established business or corporation. That’s also available here.

Forth, as a publisher I want to hand out coupons to make special promotions or reward customers for loyalty or a special purchase. Well, you guessed right: you can do it in the Unreal/Assetstore.

Fifth, fast automated updates – a product will be published in hours instead of weeks, an update will go through in less than an hour if everything passes the quality checks.

Sixth, a downloader app, which let you organize your assets and goes easy on your CPU. Meet the Unreal/Assetstore Loader!

On top of that a publisher will own a store page to advertise products or for vacation announcements and special policies.

For more information about publishing, please visit and read the Guideline.

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